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Social Media Driven Urban ‘Green Revolution’

When a casual attempt at terrace gardening fails, this man scours social media looking for answers, finds like-minded people and inspires the community to grow with him.

One Individual’s Roadside Beautification Project Turned Into a Farm (Kerala, India)

The COVID pandemic has hit people hard around the world, not only in terms of health risks but also their most basic economic security and well-being. Some are using this as an opportunity to become self-sufficient by growing food for their own families or as community projects, showing the way...

Aranya – Turning Barren Land Into A Food Forest With Permaculture

Padma and Narsanna Koppula have turned a barren piece of land in India's Medak district into a food forest by engaging the community that lives around it. Narsanna and Padma have been pursuing permaculture for several years now. According to them, permaculture is pro-nature and pro-people. The word ’permaculture’ is...

Growing Food In A Suburban Garden Restores Vital Connection To Nature

All her life, Jane Griffiths knew that growing her own food made economic and environmental sense. "My mom grew up on a farm in East Griqualand and I spent plenty of time there when I was young," she says. "The farm was almost completely self-sufficient and I have many wonderful...

A Rapper Grows Plants, Peace and Self-Esteem In Colombia

Luis Fernando Alvarez looks more like a rapper than a farmer. "El AKA" as he is known in Medellin, Colombia's second-largest city, has brought his two passions together with the initiative Agro Arte - agricultural art. San Javier is a slum of mountainous Medellin, and one of the city's poorest...

Feeding the Future of Agriculture with Vertical Farming

Field farming requires labour, amenable weather conditions, adequate sunshine for photosynthesis, irrigation, and often pesticides to protect crops. Vertical farming, a term coined by Dickson Despommier, is the practice of producing food in vertically-stacked layers. These “farms” make use of enclosed structures like warehouses and shipping containers to provide a...

Detroit Dirt – Bringing Waste to Life

Pashon Murray cofounded Detroit Dirt in 2010 as a local compost company, which focuses on being an engine for waste reduction and climate benefits. As a child growing up in Grand Rapids, she watched her father run a waste removal company and accompanied him on trips to the landfill. Today, this...

Vertical Farming As A Solution To Urbanisation

A New York-based sustainability strategist, Henry Gordon-Smith, said more and more young people were attracted to vertical farming. Vertical farming is producing food on vertically stacked layers, or in high rise buildings, rooftops, glasshouses, warehouses, or shipping containers. He said it was becoming increasingly popular in countries such as the United...

‘Closed Loop’ Urban Farm In Singapore Tackles Food Waste With Insects

Citizen Farm has been using the black soldier fly to help grow its vegetables, as food for its fish and to help tackle food waste - the first in Singapore to incorporate these insects as part of farming practice. The "closed loop" farm runs on a circular economy approach, by...

Farmers in India’s First 100% Organic State Need Support

Sikkim was declared as India's first 100% organic state in 2016. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had praised the move towards traditional farming and urged other states to emulate Sikkim's organic agriculture model. Launched as an ambitious programme through a resolution passed by the Sikkim Legislative Assembly in 2003, and gradually implemented...