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Tag: zero budget natural farming

Aranya – Turning Barren Land Into A Food Forest With Permaculture

Padma and Narsanna Koppula have turned a barren piece of land in India's Medak district into a food forest by engaging the community that lives around it. Narsanna and Padma have been pursuing permaculture for several years now. According to them, permaculture is pro-nature and pro-people. The word ’permaculture’ is...

The Man Who Saved The Lives of 4 Million Farmers

"In our country people think farmers are from another planet; the way farmers are discussed, as if farmers are not like other human beings," says 65-year-old Subhas Palekar. "For example," says Palekar, "Prices increase for everything and everyone accepts price rise for everything from toys to petrol, but somehow the...