Pot gardening is the growing of plants in pots or containers rather on the ground. It is generally applied for houseplants and is also useful in areas where the soil or climatic conditions are not suitable for a particular crop.

Any pot or container can be used, anything that can hold soil. The choice is unlimited, subject only to such considerations as availability, durability, cost, aesthetic effect, and the number as well as the maximum sizes of the plants to be grown.

Advantages of pot gardening include:

1. Flexibility. Potted plants can be moved from one location to another

2. Space Shaping. Potted plants can be used to shape and define selected parts of the landscape

3. Ease in Culture. Plants can be grown with the best potting medium, prepared by mixing the appropriate ingredients.

4. Mobility. Potted plants can be transferred to new locations whenever there is need to change residence.

Both land plants and aquatic plants can be grown in containers.

A steady supply of fresh and nutritious food for the family can be ensured by growing potted vegetables (e.g. eggplant, jute or saluyot, malunggay or horse radish tree, peppers, pigeon pea or kadyos), fruits (e.g. citrus, guava, sapodilla, sugar apple, tambis or bell fruit) and culinary herbs (e.g. basil, lemon grass, onions, anise, fragrant screwpine or pandan). Ampalaya and guava can be grown as sources of food and, at the same time, as emergency sources of herbal medicine.

This is an autogenerated summary from a published source: To City Dwellers: Produce You Own Plant Food, Go Pot Gardening!