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Tag: Seed

Keep Calm and Curry On!

The Curry plant can spice up your life as a bush in a kitchen garden or as a tall tree with ample shade from the sun.

Growing Food In A Suburban Garden Restores Vital Connection To Nature

All her life, Jane Griffiths knew that growing her own food made economic and environmental sense. "My mom grew up on a farm in East Griqualand and I spent plenty of time there when I was young," she says. "The farm was almost completely self-sufficient and I have many wonderful...

A Retired Teacher Seeds Organic Farming in India

Watching the graying man work for hours in the rice fields, you would never guess he is actually retired and has been for many years. Since 1998, retired teacher Natabar Sarangi has spent his days collecting native seeds across India. So far, he has collected over 350 seed varieties...

South African Inventor Profits From Exciting New Market

South African Claire Reid has most recently won the title of Agripreneur of the Year at the global competition, Future Agro Challenge. She is the inventor of a biodegradable seed tape which takes the hassle out of growing domestic vegetable and herb gardens. Reid’s seed tape (which evolved from her...

The Variety of Our Food Crops is Declining

Potatoes are native to the Andes, and over 4,000 varieties are grown there now. They come in numerous shapes, sizes and colors – red, yellow, purple, striped and spotted. This wide array of types is an example of agrobiodiversity – a genetic legacy created by natural selection interacting with cultural...

India’s Gaffarbhai Qureshi Traveled 19 States and Grew 5200 Varieties of Plants

Gafarbhai Qureshi has collected over 5200 types of plants in his nursery and gives free information and training to farmers and students about these plants, herbs and trees. His father, a small farmer from Ramdechi of Junagarh district of Gujarat, had four acres of land, a well and 50 plants. He...